Through the Looking Glass

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

HERBAL 'SLIM' TEA anyone??????

How does one very fat soul loose weight? I know this question might sound unnecessary to the lesser blessed ones, but for those (like me) who were born fat (oops...with a few extra pounds, excessively blessed, blah blah) this is the life saving (pounds and kg loosing) question! The only way to loose weight seems to be to either starve, exercise or buy all the products advertised on tele shoppe (though I can’t assure the authenticity- the fat women usually look like the ‘after herbal tea’ models with a pillow under their t-shirt). But what if I love food ,consider the effort to walk from the bike park to the restaurant –exercise, and think tele shoppe is too expensive because I’m shamelessly living off my younger siblings earnings??

Stated below are the reasons why I can’t ever, for the love of life (or anorexia) loose weight.
-my grandmother and mother are great cooks :D
- making maggi is the easiest way to cook something not only edible, but yumm too!
- right opposite Stella Maris is Gangothree. And for us starved South Indians, good chat is elusive (and i thought if I eat a lot of north Indian food I’d start looking as thin as the next north Indian girl..........BIG mistake!)
- right next to Stella is ‘Shirdi Bites’ – place where u get the best parathas......not just in Chennai, but compared to any other place in India ( the ones I’ve been to at least- which btw, is Jodhpur, where I haven’t tasted parathas, and Ahmadabad and Bhopal)
- Diagonally opposite Stella Maris is ‘Mandarin’- the best Chinese food after ‘Mainland China’, and even better than Wang’s Kitchen (ok, I wasn’t bribed. It’s the quantity that made me a biased judge)
- Down the road is ‘Shogun’- another great Chinese place, but the waiter there pulled the chair for me ( my hall of fame for men who pull chairs for me, he tops! Out of a total three), not exactly an after-college hang out so I quit after one visit.
- ok, now no one wants to know in detail about all the other restaurants that shared the ‘road of fame’ with my college- tat will be Dominoes, Pizza hut and a lot of other places whose names I don’t remember as good as their menu :D.

But the point of the argument is, how can u deny your intestine, your taste buds, all your senses, and your brain and that amazing feeling of satisfaction and gluttony-the piping hot pav-bhaji with extra butter from Pondy bazaar or the super chilly cheese sandwich that melts in your mouth, from the alsa mall sandwich stall, and the chocolate truffle cake from Marmelade, or the chocolate and millennium mousse from sweet chariot? Looking back, I had the most fun in college because of the food. All I can recollect are the amazing restaurants and the super food. Of course, wit less than 40% attendance in class and 6 meals a day, THAT can be explained, but not the great sense of making friends over good food that you fight over or share, or the joy of finding a slot for parking at your favourite over crowded restaurant, or the feeling when you know your friend(s) suffering from a bad stomach, which means you can take all the time in the world to savour the chocolate dessert she/he cant eat! While my other classmates were busy indulging in their passions (not just art – wink wink) I was busy paying heed to the advice of Bernard Shaw- “there is no love, like the love of food” and in the meantime, making my life memorable!(so who cares if that makes me fat, obese and ugly? Uhhhhhh................Damn. I need to call my brother for cash. Where are you morning walker and herbal tea?)


Blogger Roy said...

Think of losing weight we will kick your *ss out of the family

5:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

this has been truely inspirational....i apparently got to knw a coupla trade secrets frm an instructor at one of these posch fitness studios in the city n coincidence is wat i call this.....tht i read ur blog n i look at ma self in the mirror n say to ma self - "hey foodie!!! you must live to EAT not eat to LIVE!!! " hehe

luved reading each one of ur blogs!!!

10:28 AM  
Blogger Sita Laxmi Mani said...

Thanks ekta...good to know there are other sensible people around :)

4:24 AM  

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